PUNKS Comic Team Provides Update on PFPs, Comics, and Future Direction

PUNKS Comic Team Provides Update on PFPs, Comics, and Future Direction
In this post

The PUNKS Comic team published a blog post this afternoon sharing a variety of updates for their upcoming PUNKS PFP, PUNKS Comic Set 1, and future plans for the project.

Punks PFPs

The PUNKS PFPs are expected to launch in 2023, and they will be a free claim for holders of PUNKS Comic Issues #1-3.

PUNKS Comics

Regarding PUNKS Comic Set 1, there will be 3 additional comics coming in 2023 to complete the set. There will be no charge for those new issues #4-6, and they will only be mintable via a burn mechanic. That burn mechanic will be cumulative, meaning higher total burn counts for each future issue.

Here's how it will work:

  • PUNKS Comic Issue #4 can be minted by burning copies of Issue #2 + Issue #3
  • PUNKS Comic Issue #5 can be minted by burning copies of Issue #2 + Issue #3 + Issue #4
  • PUNKS Comic Issue #6 can be minted by burning copies of Issue #2 + Issue #3 + Issue #4 + Issue #5

Holders of the PixelPass tokens will be airdropped collector's editions of Issues #4-6 without a burn.

This new burn mechanic is quite the change and brings some new game theory into the project. It seems likely that Issue #6 will have the lowest supply, given the cumulative burn - but that is not a guarantee. Issue #2 and Issue #3 should see their supplies reduced fairly substantially as well, being a requirement of each of the burns.

At the time of writing, the PUNKS Comic floor is 0.038 ETH for Issue #3. Issue #2 holds a 0.096 ETH floor, and Issue #1 is at 1.24 ETH.

PUNKS Comic Physicals

The claim for physical comics for Issues #2-6 will not take place until after Issue #6 has been minted. This will allow for the supplies of each Issue to be determined and settled, after the completion of each of the burns.

Holders of the full set of PUNKS Comic NFTs will qualify for a full physical bound copy of the Comic Set 1.

Community Reaction

Early comments and community sentiment seem positive, as it appears that the Punks Comic team is listening and reacting to feedback. The move to free mint via burns is a notable change from the release of Comics #1-3, which were paid mints. Comic #3 especially led to some community outrage over the team charging too much and not delivering enough for the price. 

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