Memeland Season 1 of Raids Now Live

Memeland Season 1 of Raids Now Live
In this post

Memeland announced today that Season 1 of Raids is live, via Twitter and on Discord.

The Details

Key changes vs. the pilot season:

  • Your Booty = Your Raid Points / Total Raid Points
  • The top 9 leaders enjoy a multiplier on their Raid Points
  • Everyone who joins the Raids will win some booty
  • Raid rates are changed to Win 45%, Loss 48.1%, and Broken Seas (burned) 6.9%
  • Your Captainz will earn Experience Points (EXP) to show how "battle-tested" they are
  • Every Captainz who joined the Season 0 (aka Pilot Season) received 69 EXP

❗ Why It Matters

The raiding dynamic piqued the interest of many when it was introduced two weeks ago, even though raiding was seen as a risky venture in which seemingly many reported losing their maps during the pilot season. Now, season 1 is here with some refinements.

This news is also perhaps the reason for some of the Captainz sweeps earlier today.

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