Sappy Seals Answer "Wen Roadmap?" With "The Grand Plan"

Sappy Seals Answer "Wen Roadmap?" With "The Grand Plan"
In this post

Sappy Seals announced the upcoming rollout of a roadmap of sorts, "The Grand Plan."

❗ Why It Matters

Sappy Seals acknowledges an aversion to roadmaps. But as the project itself puts it, roadmaps "explain just how much is in store for everyone".

Thus, the Sappy Seals will go forward with "The Grand Plan".

What It Means

This year, Sappy Seals has already had Meme Machine, Sappy React, NYC Events, Digital Artifacts, St Jude Donations, and the introduction of the Sappy Seals Universe with the Travelling Sealsman.

But the project promises that this is only the start and to "expect a lot more content like this as we begin to level up the brand and embellish the ecosystem."

🎤 Founder Feedback

A while ago I said that we would never release a roadmap again. I lied. Let's kick things up a gear.wab.eth

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