Latest CyberKongz News

CyberKongz Shares Pre-Runes Distribution Mechanics
Logan Hitchcock

CyberKongz shared its Prometheans Pre-Runes collection distribution mechanics and details as it begins selecting Ordinals communities for exclusive access. 

The Deets

  • Collection Details: Prometheans, a symbol of pioneering spirit, aligns with Bitcoin's ethos of innovation and experimentation.
  • Targeted Distribution: Airdrop targets communities that embody the Ordinals spirit, utilizing advanced Diamond Hand Weighting.
  • Technology Partnership: Ordinals Bot collaborates to deploy a unique script that prioritizes long-term holders.
  • Supply and Accessibility: 21,000 units available for free, ensuring broad community engagement.

The Bulk

CyberKongz is rewarding those who have supported the Ordinals ecosystem with 85% of its upcoming Prometheans Pre-Runes airdrop. Using a Diamond Hand Weighting system, developed in partnership with Ordinals Bot, it assesses community members based on their commitment to holding Ordinal inscriptions. This method ensures that those who have demonstrated long-term faith in the vision of Ordinals are rewarded.

Selected communities, chosen for their alignment with core values of innovation and experimentation, will soon find themselves with exposure to Prometheans. 

The initiative uses a bespoke script that pulls data points such as wallet addresses, inscription details, and the last transfer timestamps to determine eligibility, highlighting a technical innovation in how airdrops are targeted and executed.

📊 By the Numbers

21,000 Prometheans will be available, 85% of which are going to existing Ordinals communities with 15% bookmarked for CyberKongz holders. 

🎤 Community Quotes

Being a part of Prometheans will show that you represent the adventurous, boundary-pushing spirit that Bitcoin embraces.CyberKongz

🔜 What's Next?

Thus far, CyberKongz has announced Runestones and Ordinal Miners as exclusive access recipients for Prometheans. More announcements are expected shortly. 

For more web3 and NFT news, visit the Lucky Trader newsfeed.

CyberKongz Shares Pre-Runes Distribution Mechanics
CyberKongz Begins Ronin Migration
Logan Hitchcock

CyberKongz is officially integrating with Ronin, enabling asset migration for an enhanced gaming experience. 

The Deets

  • Bridged Assets: VXs, Genkai, and $BANANA need to be manually migrated.
  • Airdropped Assets: Loot Capsules and Gear automatically delivered to Ronin wallets.
  • Remaining on Polygon: Certain items like Banana Bunches and vouchers.
  • Important Note: Assets must be bridged one at a time. 

The Bulk

CyberKongz announced details of its migration process to Ronin Network, aiming to streamline the gaming and collection experience for its users. This transition involves both Bridged and Airdropped Assets, allowing for a seamless transfer of VXs, Genkai, and $BANANA, alongside automatic delivery of Loot Capsules and Gear for the Play & Kollect series.

Users are required to manually bridge certain assets, with a detailed guide provided to facilitate this process. Meanwhile, items such as Banana Bunches and various vouchers will remain on the Polygon network. 

The migration is phased, starting with the opening of the bridge, followed by the availability of $BANANA on Katana, collection of Ronin addresses for the airdrop, freezing of Polygon assets, and ultimately the airdrop of Play & Kollect assets on Ronin. This strategic migration underscores CyberKongz's commitment to enhancing its ecosystem and providing a more integrated experience for its users.

🎬 Take Action

To participate in this migration, visit the CyberKongz bridge page.

For more web3 and NFT news, visit the Lucky Trader newsfeed.

CyberKongz Begins Ronin Migration
CyberKongz Launches Validator Node on Ronin Network
Logan Hitchcock

CyberKongz is launching a validator node on the Ronin Network aiming to expand its revenue and improve its financial longevity. 

The Deets

  • Validator node launch: CyberKongz's own node on Ronin Network commenced on December 4th, 15:00 UTC.
  • Significant treasury: Accumulated 1,600,000 $RON from Genkai mint and secondary trading royalties.
  • Community support initiative: Encouraging CyberKongz community to stake $RON with their node.
  • Exclusive rewards: Offering rare Axie giveaways for significant stakers in a two-week event post-launch.

The Bulk

In a strategic move to enhance its project's sustainability and community engagement, CyberKongz has inaugurated its own validator node on the Ronin Network. This initiative, commencing today, symbolizes the project's dedication to dynamic treasury management and long-term vision.

The node's launch is fueled by CyberKongz's substantial treasury of 1,600,000 $RON, accrued from the successful Genkai mint and ongoing secondary trading royalties. 

CyberKongz is inviting its supporters to participate in this new venture by staking $RON on its validator node. The phrase "Kongz Together Strong" takes a tangible form here, as community support becomes integral to the node's success.

To incentivize participation, CyberKongz is offering exclusive rewards. For a limited two-week period following the launch, stakers can win rare Axie collectibles, including 10 Origin Axies and 2 Mystic Axies, based on the amount staked. 

🎤 Community Quotes

We see CyberKongz as a project that will span multiple decades, showcasing immersive experiences on a grand scale while elevating the brand’s intellectual property into audiences all over the world. Therefore, to accomplish this, it is crucial that we operate dynamically and put the right financial measures in place to ensure longevity for the brand and community.CyberKongz

💰 Money Talks

CyberKongz's is using all 1.6 million $RON (nearly $2 million) from its Genkai mint and royalties to spin up its validator node. 

🎬 Take Action 

$RON holders hoping to support CyberKongz or take a chance at the upcoming raffle can find details on staking here

For more web3 and NFT news, visit the Lucky Trader newsfeed.

CyberKongz Launches Validator Node on Ronin Network
CyberKongz Unveils Interactive Storytelling Platform
Logan Hitchcock

CyberKongz launched SAGA, a new interactive storytelling platform where community members influence the narrative with their own NFT assets.

The Deets

  • Community Powered: Holders submit CyberKongz NFTs to become characters in Niakea's story.
  • Voting Rights: Community votes on favorite assets for inclusion in the narrative.
  • Character Archetypes: Ten unique archetypes available for submissions.
  • Physical and Digital Merge: Successful submissions feature in merchandise and collectibles.

The Bulk

CyberKongz is releasing SAGA, its latest interactive storytelling initiative. SAGA invites the community to be a part of the storytelling process in the world of Niakea. By submitting their own CyberKongz assets, holders have a chance to see their NFTs evolve into characters within this expansive narrative.

The introduction of ten distinct character archetypes opens a realm of possibilities, offering diverse roles for submitted NFTs. Successful submissions will not only be immortalized in the digital story but also in a range of merchandise, offering tangible value to the community.

🎤 Community Quotes

With SAGA, our community is given the power to influence our storytelling!CyberKongz

🔜 What's Next?

Users can now submit their Genkai NFTs if they wish to take part in the SAGA interactive storytelling journey. 

For more web3 and NFT news, visit the Lucky Trader newsfeed.

CyberKongz Unveils Interactive Storytelling Platform
CyberKongz's Genkai Heading to Ronin Network
Logan Hitchcock

CyberKongz announced its Genkai collection's public mint will take place on the Ronin Network, scheduled for July 27, marking the first-ever NFT mint on Ronin's Mavis Market.

The Deets

  • The Genkai mint comprises 20,000 NFTs, with 3,000 exclusively on Ronin.
  • Samurai aesthetics and Axie traits will uniquely influence the Ronin Genkai.
  • Ronin Genkai NFTs include future trait upgrade options.
  • CyberKongz and Ronin are developing a Genkai-featured game.
  • A celebratory Ronin x Genkai Gacha Quest will offer prizes, including Genkai NFTs.

The Bulk

Ronin, the blockchain powering the popular NFT game Axie Infinity, is set to host its first-ever NFT mint, as the celebrated CyberKongz bring their Genkai collection to the platform. The mint event, taking place on July 27th, will introduce 20,000 Genkai NFTs, 3,000 of which will be exclusively available on Ronin.

Unlike their Ethereum counterparts, the Ronin Genkai will boast exclusive traits inspired by samurai aesthetics and Axie traits, setting them apart with unique elements. CyberKongz also revealed plans for future trait upgrades on the Ronin platform, further enhancing the value and diversity of these NFTs.

In a collaboration signaling the start of a long-term partnership, CyberKongz and Ronin are developing a game featuring Genkai. Though the details remain under wraps, this announcement marks an exciting new chapter for both entities in the realm of blockchain gaming.

In addition to the mint event, the Ronin x Genkai Gacha Quest will offer participants chances to win free Genkai NFTs, Japanese Axies, RON tokens, and more.

❗Why It Matters

The CyberKongz Genkai mint on Ronin signifies a vital step in Ronin's expansion beyond Axie Infinity, potentially attracting more gaming-centric NFT collections. This event could strengthen Ronin's network effect and increase the utility of the RON token.

🎤 Platform Prose

The Genkai mint represents Ronin opening our borders to Web3-native communities beyond Axie Infinity. Today, the entire NFT space has their eyes on us.Ronin

🔜 What's Next?

Stay tuned for more information on the forthcoming Genkai-featured game, the Genkai trait upgrade system, and future mints and collaborations on Ronin's Mavis Market.

🧠 Learn More

For more web3 and NFT news, visit the Lucky Trader newsfeed.

CyberKongz's Genkai Heading to Ronin Network
CyberKongz Shares Genkai Mint Details
Logan Hitchcock

CyberKongz shared more details on its expansionary collection, Genkai, set to commence its three-stage minting process on Thursday, July 27 at noon ET. 

The Deets

  • Three-stage minting: Limitlist, Waitlist, Public
  • Two Genkai guaranteed for Limitlist participants
  • Remaining supply from Limitlist stage rolls over to Waitlist stage
  • Public sale continues until sell-out, with vesting period for existing holders

The Bulk

The CyberKongz community is in for a treat as Genkai, its eagerly awaited NFT project, is set to launch its three-stage minting process. Commencing on Thursday, July 27 at 4:00 PM UTC, the process includes a Limitlist stage, a Waitlist stage, and finally, a Public sale stage.

During the first stage, those on the Limitlist will have the opportunity to mint two guaranteed Genkai. Any remaining supply from the Limitlist stage will then be available in the Waitlist stage. Those who applied to the Portal have been placed on the Waitlist.

The third and final stage is the Public sale, where the remaining supply will go on sale and the mint will continue until all are sold out. After the sell-out, existing holders will receive their Genkai airdrop. However, these airdrops will be vested for 180 days, with the option to unlock before the vesting end date upon paying an unlock fee.

📊 By the Numbers

The Genkai NFT project will offer 9,000 NFTs to the Limitlist, 7,000 NFTs airdropped to holders. In addition, 4,000 NFTs on a "redacted" chain are set to be released soon. 

🎬 Take Action

Believe you're on the limitlist or waitlist? Visit the official Genkai website to verify your Limitlist or Waitlist status.


CyberKongz Shares Genkai Mint Details
CyberKongz Unleashes New Security Standard: ERC721x
Logan Hitchcock

CyberKongz announced the re-introduction of ERC721x, a secure upgrade of the standard ERC721, offering both convenience and advanced safety.

The Deets

  • ERC721x developed by CyberKongz's lead Solidity Developer @OwlOfMoistness
  • Key Features: Locking and Guarding
  • Locking allows staking assets without losing ownership
  • Guardian feature enables On-Chain 2-Factor Authentication

The Bulk

In a bid to combat prevalent scams and hacks, CyberKongz has introduced a novel Ethereum token standard - ERC721x, an improved version of the ERC721 contract. Developed by its lead Solidity Developer, @OwlOfMoistness, the new standard bolsters the safety of assets, while maintaining the ease-of-use of a hot wallet.

Two core security features are introduced with ERC721x: Locking and Guarding.

Locking allows the user to 'stake' their asset without forfeiting ownership. This means the asset, while locked, cannot be transferred without the lock registry’s permission, maintaining its presence in the holding wallet.

The second feature, Guarding, functions similar to Locking but has its unique distinctions. A wallet holding a valuable asset can assign another wallet as a 'Guardian'. The Guardian has the power to lock assets in the wallet it oversees, functioning as an On-Chain 2-Factor Authentication mechanism.

🎤 Project Prose

We believe this technology is a step in the right direction for security within web3. We encourage other projects in the space to adopt the ERC721x standard, we have already seen some notable collections like 9gag & Keungz implement the standard in their collections.CyberKongz

🔜 What's Next?

The forthcoming CyberKongz Genkai mint will employ this new standard. 

🎬 Take Action

Learn more and explore the code in detail in the full breakdown

For more web3 and NFT news, visit the Lucky Trader newsfeed.

CyberKongz Unleashes New Security Standard: ERC721x