Latest Bored & Dangerous News

Bored & Dangerous Burn Window Opens Tomorrow
Logan Hitchcock

Bored & Dangerous initiates its burn period tomorrow, June 15, promising significant developments in the Azurbala universe.

The Deets

  • Three tiers of Azur Roots to be revealed: "1/1", "Apex", and "Origin"
  • Early burning incentivized with 1/1 Azur Root airdrops on June 22 and 29
  • Azur Root then redeems an Azurian Avatar
  • Avenue account creation required, serving as the new hub for Azurbala

The Bulk

Following a prelude filled with art revelations, trailer releases, and community building, the Bored & Dangerous burn period is set to commence on June 15. 

The burn period introduces three distinctive tiers of Azur Roots - "1/1", "Apex", and "Origin". The tier of your Azur Root is expected to influence the rarity of the eventual Azurian you uncover, adding a layer of randomness and anticipation to the burning process.

In a strategic move to encourage early participation, two exclusive 1/1 Azur Root airdrops are scheduled for June 22 and 29. Holders of Azur Roots will be automatically entered into these raffles, making early burning or secondary market purchases a potentially rewarding strategy.

Moreover, Azurbala is transitioning to Avenue as its main community hub. Post-burn, users will be prompted to create an Avenue account to access exclusive content, giveaways, and further community interactions. Despite Avenue still being in its beta phase, Azurbala is keen to cultivate this space during the burn window.

❗️Why It Matters

It's been a long time coming for Azur Root, Azurians, and the advancement of the Bored & Dangerous project. By all accounts, the new art is being received as a major improvement and the entire community is ready to move beyond an initial misstep. 

🔜 What's Next?

The burn window starts on June 15 at 1 pm ET and closes on July 26 at 11:59 PM ET. All users are encouraged to participate early and join the Azurbala space on Avenue to keep up with the community's developments.

🎬 Take Action 

Holders can prepare for the burn which will be facilitated through Avenue. All associated links can be found here


Bored & Dangerous Burn Window Opens Tomorrow
Revamped Azurbala | Simplified, Yet Enhanced

Azurbala shared more information regarding its re-launches with a focus on simplicity, prioritizing captivating experiences and reducing friction for participants.

The Deets

  • Marrow reworked as a points system first
  • Re-definition of backbone and Bloodsound to emphasize Azurian identity and history
  • Separation of Jenkins/Writers Room and Azurbala IP
  • New team member, Diana Williams, former Creative Development and Franchise Producer for Star Wars at Lucasfilm

The Details

(1) To prioritize simplicity and adapt to the regulatory environment, Marrow will initially be introduced as a points system rather than an ERC-20 token. It will be used as rewards for gamified challenges and experiences on the Azurbala-dedicated Avenue space.

(2) Backbone and Bloodsound will be re-defined to better serve the Azurian identity within the franchise. Backbone will represent a historically strong Azurian bloodline, while Bloodsound will represent a historically wise Azurian bloodline. These terms will inform certain Azurian activations and experiences down the line.

(3) Jenkins and the Writers Room will no longer be associated with Azurbala. Instead, Azurbala will be a separate project focused on its own unique identity and experiences.

❗Why It Matters

By simplifying the project and honing in on what truly matters, Azurbala is setting up for a massive revamp and aims to connect in a more simplistic while creating innovative activations and experiences down the line. Projects that rely on community and lore have a tendency to overwhelm or intimidate web3 participants that aren't prepared for the committment required to "keep up." It may require some holder turnover, but once committing to a path, projects have a better chance of finding a more appropriately aligned holder base. 

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Revamped Azurbala | Simplified, Yet Enhanced
Bored & Dangerous Fund Claim
Julian Son

Today, Jenkins the Valet created a tweet thread 🧵 and Medium article covering everything you need to know about the upcoming Bored & Dangerous Fund Claim.

The Deets

  • In total, over $356,000 will be paid back to eligible licensors in the community. This equates to $87.47 per 1 licensing unit.
  • A snapshot was taken at 12 pm ET on March 31, 2023, of wallet addresses holding Writer’s Room and Bored/Mutant Ape NFTs that were licensed to Bored & Dangerous. If your wallet held a licensed Writer's Room NFT or Bored/Mutant Ape NFT when the snapshot occurred, then that wallet will be eligible to take part in the claim process that opens on April 20.
  • The process will open on April 20 and stay open through August 1.
  • KYC (Know Your Customer) is a legally required process for claiming B&D funds. However, Bored & Dangerous has provided an alternative for individuals who choose not to take part in KYC. There will be two options for eligible wallets:
    • Option 1 involves completing KYC and claiming eligible B&D funds.
    • Option 2 allows users to waive their rights and receive an equivalent refund on the Azur Root mint.

❗ Why It Matters

The Bored & Dangerous payouts are a way for NFT holders to monetize their digital assets through licensing without seeking out the opportunities on their own. The KYC component created a sticking point for some in the community, but the project moved to address the situation as best it could under the circumstances (and regulatory environment).

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🎤 Community Quotes

🕳️ Go Deeper

Bored & Dangerous Fund Claim
An Open Licensing Opportunity
Logan Hitchcock

Holders of Writers Room NFTs can now license their characters, or extend an offer to others, according to a tweet from Jenkins the Valet

❗Why It Matters

The exploration of IP rights and licensing has been a frequent topic of conversation in web3, but not often innovated on. Jenkin's podcast licensing opportunity is offering users the ability to experiment with utilizing IP rights on NFTs they own, or negotiate the IP utility out to someone else. 

The Deets

Exposure of the individual NFT is based on the tier of Writer's Room NFT owned, highlighted by WAGMI Yahct NFT holders who will have their character featured in an episode. 

The licensing window will remain open until Mar. 17. 

🎬 Take Action

  • Writer's Room NFT holders can explore IP rights for previously created characters on 
  • Holders of more than 120 NFT collections can create a character for potential inclusion in the podcast on site as well. 

🧠 Learn More

An Open Licensing Opportunity
Cash Coming From Bored & Dangerous
Julian Son

Jenkins the Valet provided an update on Bored & Dangerous royalties, podcast licensing, and more, in a Medium article published today.

What It Means

Long story short, Tally Labs must obtain personal information from individuals prior to issuing payouts. Issuing payouts anonymously would jeopardize the receiving individual, the business, and the community.

Those who are unwilling to KYC will be forced to waive their claim to payouts. Waived funds will be split in two ways: a portion will be rolled over into the licensing pool for the Jenkins Podcast, and the rest will be put towards funding community-led projects. 

📊 By the Numbers

The project will be paying out roughly $365,000 back to the community.


❗ Why It Matters

Since 2021 the regulatory environment has evolved for providing royalties back to participants. The project indicated that "clarity around certain regulatory decisions have been made in the last 12 months," and that "there have been precedents set that shine a light on how companies in the Web3 space must operate."

While this has resulted in an obvious delay for Bored & Dangerous payments, it's notable that Tally Labs is trying to do things properly.

The crypto/NFT space has been under the microscope from regulatory entities like the SEC, especially in the wake of the FTX calamity, as well as other NFT token situations (such as Gutter Cat Gang's indefinite postponement of the $GANG token, and Ape holders in the US being geo-blocked from staking their $APE on Horizen Labs). It's clear that projects must continue to be cautious - and compliant - in how it disburses payments back to holders.

🎤 Founder Feedback

We understand parts of this process may not be what folks want to hear, but it's what we (and any other legally compliant company) must do to be here over the longterm. Our top priority is to make sure we are protecting the interests of the community and the business.Jenkins The Valet 🍌

🎬 Take Action

Need to KYC to claim royalties? Bored & Dangerous is is partnering with Jumio, a leader in end-to-end ID Verification and AML Solutions. Jumio will manage the collection of certain personal information to ensure that all payments are above board, and that both parties are protected.

The specific process to claim payments will be:

  1. Connect your wallet on the website
  2. Will be issued a unique code that you will take to Jumio
  3. Enter that code in a Jumio workflow
  4. Jumio will collect personal information that is stored in their bank-grade secure database
  5. Jumio will pass an approval decision back to Tally Labs based on your personal information

Once the Jumio process is complete, you’ll be able to claim the payout. The payout process may lag the personal information process by a few days to weeks, but not by longer.

🔜 What’s Next?

  • The project is going to open up licensing for the Jenkins podcast, and it will be live in the next few weeks. Every licensing deal can now be made on-platform with a few clicks.
  • Writer's Room holders will be able to browse all the characters that were created to help Jenkins, and use the Writer's Room NFT to send partnership offers on the spot

🧠 Learn More

Cash Coming From Bored & Dangerous
Azurbala Shares Plans for Azurian PFPs
Julian Son

Azurbala is splitting up the development of its PFP art into three phases, according to an announcement from the project. 

Why It Matters: Though highly anticipated, the initial Azurians art reveal was met with strong criticism from the NFT community, so much so it prompted the project to undergo a major initiative to redo the art. The new artwork is being produced with multiple rounds of community input. 

What Happens Next: The project is ready to kick off its three-phase plan, which incorporates the following:

  • Phase 1: Sketches, base model, style
  • Phase 2: Traits, attributes, props, color/light
  • Phase 3: Quality control, render final avatars

The project will provide a Twitter Spaces for more detailed communication during Phase 1. 

OK, perfect. I'm super excited about this and I appreciate how hard you guys are working to make this right. But I also know mfers have zero patience. (I'm mfers)ZenCheetah.eth

Azurbala Shares Plans for Azurian PFPs
Jenkins The Valet Introducing Gamified NFTs With New Podcast
Logan Hitchcock

Jenkins The Valet is introducing gamified, dynamic NFTs ahead of its upcoming podcast release, according to an announcement from the project.

The NFT will unlock a series of puzzles with each individual podcast, tokengated to those who own the podcast NFT. 

Once you've connected your wallet and verified ownership of the podcast NFT, users will be presented an embedded audio puzzle that is unique to each podcast episode. 

If you correctly solve the puzzle, your podcast NFT will dynamically update to reflect the correct answer. Users will be awarded additional points for answering the puzzles quickly. 

As you earn points for answering questions, the NFTs tied to the responses will move up a live leaderboard. 

All the NFTs on the leaderboard will be tradeable on secondary markets and the top finishers on the leaderboard will earn a variety of prizes. 

Formal details on the launch of the podcast NFTs has not yet been announced. 

Jenkins The Valet Introducing Gamified NFTs With New Podcast
Azurbala Hires Creative Director
Staff Writer

A designer from animated films "Ice Age: Continental Drift" and "Epic" has been named as the new creative director for Jenkins the Valet's Azurbala project.

Ty Carter, who worked for Blue Sky Studios after interning at Disney and Pixar, will oversee the redesign of the Azurians PFP. 

Images of Carter's work were shared along with a video for the announcement. 

Earlier this week, the project announced members of its Azurian Art Council, an advisory board for the reimagining of the Azurians.

Azurbala Hires Creative Director
Azurian Art Council Announced
Staff Writer

The Twitter account for Azurbala — home for the Jenkins the Valet and Bored & Dangerous PFP project — announced the members of the Azurian Art Council, the group that will serve as an advisory board for the redesign of the Azurian PFPs.

The council includes Smilesss artist Waheed Zai, Degenz and rektguy's OSF and Mando, and artist Bryan Brinkman.

"The Art Council will use their expertise to provide advisory to our Creative Director and our PFP artists to ensure our collection thrives," the account tweeted. "It was important to surround ourselves with artists who deeply understand the NFT space."

Azurian Art Council Announced